About us

About us

Since 2004 we have been creating products under the Dauer brand with two main characteristics, extraordinary quality, and excellent packaging design.

Our Products

We have created hundreds of products for the automotive industry (Dauerparts.com) and our latest creation has been Dauer Lubricants, a product that It can only be compared in quality to the big brands, but unmatched in its packaging design.

This latest creation is the reflection of who we are, transparent in what we do and how we do it. Thanks!

Carlos Scovino
CEO of Nasco Group LLC

Our Values



Our lubricants are currently API-certified, which attests to their quality.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) certifies our products, and we guarantee that they exceed each of the requirements set by said certification.

& Vision

Our goal is to make Dauer Lubricants a brand and product that will set the market standards, and make the end user aware of the importance of using high-quality lubricants.

Recognition of our basic values: Quality and Transparency, from customers and the market. We would be proud to serve as an example to the current and future generations that all our hard work was worth it.